Author's posts

Do you have some thoughts about when school should start next year?

If you’ve not already seen it, the district has developed a survey asking for input. Click here to complete it! Thanks!

Do you have some thoughts about public education at the national level? Here are your colleagues who will advocate for you at the national level!

What!    The National Education Association Representative Assembly—the RA—is the highest decision-making body within the over 3 million-member NEA. With over 8,000 delegates, the RA is also the world’s largest democratic deliberative body. How long is the RA? Over the course of eight business sessions spanning four days, RA delegates debate the vital issues that impact …

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Congratulations to one of our own!

Congratulations to our own Corey Penrose, winner of the California Teachers Association Member-in-Politics Award for his coalition building and political advocacy.  

Redwood Service Center Council Scholarship information and applications

Here’s the timeline for scholarship applications 2015.16ScholarshipTimelineList Here’s the application RSCCScholarshipApplication

Bargaining update #5, Tentative Agreement #2, and calendars for 16-17, 17-18, and 18-19

Here’s the bargaining update and the signed Tentative Agreement Bargaining update #5 Tentative Agreement #2 Here’s the calendars for 16-17 1617hs 1617ms 1617Elem Here’s the calendars for 17-18 1718hs 1718ms 1718elem Here’s the calendars for 18-19 1819hs 1819ms 1819elem

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