Bargaining update #3

The VTA and VUSD teams met on April 19, 2012 for three hours.

VTA: Brenda Hensley, Kent Puddy, Kim Campbell, Gary Masterson, Todd Blanset, Lynne Grow & Moira McSweeney
VUSD: Randy Henry, Ed Santopadre, David Robertson Christie Cochran, & Kari Sousa

The District provided a calculation of $407,002.81 as the cost of 1% for VTA.

VTA and the District each proposed three articles.

The DISTRICT proposed:

6.2.8 Emergency Leave

A maximum of three (3) days of emergency leave with pay may be granted each year after all available leaves have been exhausted. Requests for such leave shall be made through the principal. The final decision to grant emergency leave rests with the District Human Resources Administrator. Leave granted under this provision is not cumulative from year to year.

6.2.2 Personal Option Leave (POL) The personal option leave permits the member to use a total of three (3) days. Three (3) days of the personal leave may include family related matters that occur during the workday. These three (3) days may not be used for other employment, withholding of services or activities normally considered to be related to recreation or vacation. Personal option leave days may not be accumulated and/or carried over from year to year. An additional two extra personal option leave days may be used for professional growth to attend conferences, travel/study programs or other professional activities.

10.5.2 Any such method must incorporate the most current version of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).

(the District also proposed forms showing the change in standards. The current CSTP can be found at: )

VTA proposed:

3.2.4 Psychologists, Counselors, Coordinators, Nurses, Librarians, Program Specialists, Digital Technology Specialists, Speech Therapist and Content Area Specialists may, upon verification of extra hours worked beyond the contracted workday, qualify for compensatory time off from their respective duties if: the unit member obtains prior approval of his or her supervisor to work the extra hours, or The unit member is required by his or her supervisor to work extra hours and the extra hours worked are devoted to completing one’s regular daily duties, as opposed to adjunct duties and other required meetings as per the contract between the District and the Vacaville Teachers’ Association. Compensatory time shall be earned at the rate of one hour for each extra hour worked. Compensatory time accrued shall not be utilized in blocks of time greater than two (2) workdays. Compensatory time off shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the unit member and his/her supervisor. Compensatory time off shall be taken prior to the end of the school year during which it was earned or the unit member shall receive monetary compensation for the unused time at the hourly rate of pay.

4.8 The instructional minutes for Wednesdays at all sites shall not exceed the 2010-11 levels.

4.3.1 The non-pupil workdays of each unit member’s contract year shall be limited in their structure. These days shall be unencumbered, except for three (3) hours at the beginning of the school year, to prepare for the upcoming school year and/or completing the responsibilities for ending the school year.

Our next bargaining sessions are set for 4/30 and 5/3.

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