CTA Directors Report



Educators in District A for all of your hard work and dedication during Campaign 2016

Thanks to all of you, Education was victorious with the passage of both Proposition 55 and Proposition 58

Your efforts mean California public schools will have secure funding for the next 13 years and language learning opportunities will increase for all students

District A Election 2016

Education Successes 

(By county)


  • Measure M – Mattole UnifiedSchool District Bond Measure
  • Measure H – Arcata School District Parcel Tax
  • Measure I – Arcata School District Bond Measure K – Jacoby Creek School Bond Measure N – South Bay Union School District Bond Measure


  • Measure A – County of Marin
  • Measure B – Kentfield School District
  • Measure E – Mill Valley School District
  • Measure G – Novato Unified School District


  • Matt Haney (San Francisco USD Board of Trustees)
  • Mark Sanchez (San Francisco USD Board of Trustees)
  • Stevon Cook (San Francisco USD Board of Trustees)
  • School Measure A – School Bond
  • School Measure B – City College Parcel Tax


  • Joan Gaut – School Board Trustee, Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District
  • Measure Q – Dixon Unified School District Bond


  • Preston Addison (Cloverdale Unified School District Trustee)
  • Eric Higgenbotham (Cloverdale Unified School District Trustee)
  • Cecile Peters (Cloverdale Unified School District Trustee)
  • Tim Nonn (Cotati Rohnert Park Unified School District Trustee)
  • Measure C – Cotati Rohnert Park Unified School District 55% Bond
  • Measure D – Healdsburg Unified School District 55% Bond
  • Measure E – Sonoma Valley Unified School District 55% Bond
  • Measure F – Windsor Unified School District 55% Bond
  • Measure G – Guerneville School District 55% Bond
  • Measure H – Rincon Valley Unified School District Parcel Tax
  • Measure I – Wilmar Union School District Parcel Tax

Many thanks to the local chapter members who participated in phone banking, precinct walking, postcard writing and other activities to help get their candidates elected, and, bond measures and parcel taxes passed.

Board/Action News

We heard reports on:

  • Institute for Teaching (IFT) Report/Newsletter (Click Here)
  • Higher Education Report (Click Here) also read the “Race on Campus” report (Click Here) and the UC DACA Advisory (Click Here)
  • CTA/National Education Association (NEA) Report (Click Here)
  • Representation Committee State Council Redistricting Plan Recommendation (Click Here)
  • 2016-2017 EMAC 3-1(G) Report and Plan (Click Here)

We took action to approve:


After careful consideration of all the elements, including the recommendations of the Dues Restructuring Implementation Review Task Force which met October 18th, The Board voted to discontinue the implementation of the Salary Strands Dues Project, effective 2017-2018.

At that point, all chapters and members will be back on the long-standing dues structure.  CTA Secretary/Treasurer David Goldberg will be sending out communications to the presidents of affected chapters, explaining the process in greater detail.

A Word From the Director

Election 2016 was bittersweet in that CTA endorsed ballot measures Proposition 52, Proposition 55 and Proposition 58 all passed, ensuring education funding and language learning opportunities for all of our students in the future.  However, some were less than pleased with the results of the election for President of the United States.

Nevertheless, it is time to move forward and continue to protect our students, educators and the future of public education from the privatization, anti-union, anti-public education world which seems to lie ahead.

  • Member engagement is more critical than ever before.
  • Having one-on-one conversations with all of our members has to be the priority now.
  • One-on-ones are about organizing our chapters and helping all of our members find their place in the work which lies ahead.
  • Using the video and steps below, chapter leaders (Eboard,Site Reps) can gain access to CTA 360, version of Falcon (the CTA member database for your chapter) for iPhones and androids.
  • CTA 360 is not only a conversation starter but a way to collect non-school emails which are essential for chapter communications, member engaging/organizing and electronic voting.

Let’s build a stronger union,
one member at a time!

Department Report Highlights

(Click on links for full report)


The Political Report focused on election results. Prop 54, which requires bills to be posted in print and on the internet 72 hours before voting occurs, will lead to some complications. Included in the provision is that all hearings must be recorded and all recordings can be used for campaigns so how folks behave during legislative hearings is likely to change. Also, the 72 hour period could lead to the need for more lobbying on bills of interest


The state work in ESSA is continuing. You will find Letters from CTA to the National Department of Ed and State Board of Ed are included in the TIDD Report section below.   Legislative business will pick up with new legislative cycle beginning in January.


  • PERB dismisses injunctive relief request against Coachella Valley TA.  The district had alleged that CVTA violated the EERA by, among other things: organizing and/or condoning unlawful sickouts (chapter let members know that sickouts were not appropriate), organizing and/or condoning a student walk out during class time during which 500 students walked 3 miles in the rain to the district office to express their support for the teachers.
  • Charter school teachers association defeats decertification efforts.  A PERB hearing officer rejected the employers objections to an election, in which a majority of the employees voted to stay in the union, further finding that the election result should be upheld.


  • District A Field Based State Council was a success in both hubs at the Santa Rosa RRC and the Burlingame Headquarters.  Members participated in phone banking, precinct walking and other visability activities.
  • Solano College FA (Solano), Napa-Solano Central Labor Council, the Workforce Development Board of Solano County, Industrial Areas Foundation, the Solano Community College District and the California Teachers Association continue to meet and strategize on Career Technical Education (CTE) programs at Solano Community College.The attendees all reviewed the results of the two prior meetings, then broke out into groups to discuss the identified skills gaps and possible ways in which the organizations may be able to collaborate with one another to address the workforce needs of Solano County employers.
  • Vallejo EA (Solano) engaged many inactive members by participating in the Vallejo Relay for Life event in August. Dozens of members came out to represent VEA, walk for 24 hours, and had a positive experience with community members. They raised over $1,500 for the American Cancer Society.ended as hoped, but UTA intends to continue their outreach to these and other teachers over the coming months per their member engagement plan.
  • Arena Union TA and Point Arena High School TA (Mendocino)  2% increase to salary schedule (Another 1-2%) is contingent on local tax revenue as of December in this basic aid district)
  • Potter Valley Classified EA (Mendocino) (2016-17) 5% increase to salary schedule. (2017-18) 2.5% increase to salary schedule and $500 increase to health cap.


While the entire country continues to reflect on the national election results, with the passage of Propositions 55 & 58, California voters once again reiterated their overwhelming support for investing in public education and a better future for our students.  Voters also passed CTA-backed Prop. 52 and elected CTA supported California Attorney General Kamala Harris to the U.S. Senate.  Click on these additional resources:     1 – CTA Letter to DOE re: Supplement Not Supplant  2  CTA Letter to SBE re LCAP  3 – Assessment Literacy Summit Flyer Draft


On going planning and monitoring or our financial condition assists in keeping CTA strong.  Prop 30 funds have provided much needed funding for education.  Now that Proposition 55 has passed, much needed funding will be available for our schools and our students.

District A Scholarships, Grants & Appointments


2017 Issues Conference: Small Chapter Grant
Las Vegas, NV – 1/20 to 1/22

  • Gloria Del Rio
  • Jennifer Dickinson
  • Christine Martineau


NEA Convention Coordinating Committee

  • Doreen McGuire-Grigg

Region 1 Leadership Committee

  • Julia Jameyson
  • Jade Matthews
  • Doreen McGuire-Grigg
  • Elaine Merriweather
  • Laurel Salerno-White

Region 2 Leadership Committee

  • Doreen McGuire-Grigg

Calendar of Events

  • National Council of Urban Education Associations (NCUEA) Fall Conference  November 30 – December 3rd
  • LGBT Issues Conference, December 9th – 11th, Palm Springs
  • Issues Conference, Jan 20th – 22nd, Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Good Teaching Conference (North), February 3rd – 6th, San Jose

Apply for Conference Grants and Scholarships

Leader Resource Center

CTA Director District A Website — www.ctadda.com

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