Know what do to during a school site emergency. Learn about our emergency protocols to keep our students safe at this informative parent meeting.
In order to prepare for emergency events at school sites, VUSD and the City of Vacaville Police Department have been implementing a new school safety program called Standard Response Protocol (SRP).
The SRP is a universal response to an incident at any school site. A severe weather event, fire, accidents, intruders, and earthquakes are some of the safety scenarios that are planned and trained for by students, teachers, staff, and administration. This meeting will explain the SRP and will be directed by Vacaville PD and VUSD.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
at Vacaville High School Little Theater
Thursday, January 21, 2016
at Fairmont Charter Elementary School Multipurpose Room
Monday, January 25, 2016
at Vaca Pena Middle School Gym
Parent training is the same for all school sites and multiple sessions will be held. Training sessions may not be located at your child’s school.