Thanks for all your help with the NEA-RA elections! Special thanks to Bob Blaine for all his work on this. We will have the results to share soon.
Sylvia and I met with the district yesterday regarding POL usage. We will have more to share on the POL issue at the next Rep Council meeting as we gather information and explore options.
A letter from the district is supposed to sent next week to explain specifics about the numbers on the form, explain that your signature is only verifying the leave usage (not the calculations at the top), and to name a contact person to whom members should address their questions? HR sent an email to secretarial staff and principals to remind them that members should not be asked the specific reasons for absences, only the leave description (PL, POL, etc) when making corrections to their form. However, if the administrator thinks the leave is inappropriate or not consistent with the contract, then the administrator can enter into a clarifying conversation with the employee. In this case, we strongly encourage members to request VTA representation at the meeting where this is to be discussed. In order to receive Bereavement leave, the employee will be required to tell their administrator who passed and how far away the service is.
I spoke to Dr. Niederkorn regarding the Board Policy on fees and charges. Information about this is supposed to be disseminated to staff by the principals. Any questions should be directed to principals. I will send an email to members as a heads upon this.
I am also sending an email to members about the upcoming election for VTA officers and directors and State Council Representative. Nominations for these positions will be made at the April 9th Rep Council meeting which will be at Chevy’s at 3:30.
Checklist for a 10 minute VTA meeting:
__Share this information
__Encourage anyone interested in running for a position to get their nomination in.
__Share member benefits information from the presentation. Direct folks to the CTA website to learn more.
__Let your staff know we will have an update on health care at the next meeting. Also, please reiterate that members can pull spouses and children off their plans at any time, and we encourage families to shop around for plans that may be less expensive or better options for them.
__Encourage staff to attend the School Board mixer which will be held at Chevy’s on April 9th at 5:15 right after the Rep Council meeting.
__And, as always, remind your staff to go to the
Thanks for all you do and enjoy the weekend – Moira