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Boo to cavities – it’s National Dental Hygiene Month 

As our kids get ready for Halloween, help them keep those cavities in check. While most parents will make sure their kids brush after eating their goodies, National Dental Hygiene Month encourages a fuller approach to oral health. Having kids “do the daily 4” – brush two times a day, floss daily, rinse with mouthwash, and chew sugar-free gum – will benefit not just their oral health, but also contribute to improved overall health. Now the effects of consuming Halloween treats don’t have to be so spooky!

What’s new in CTA Member Benefits?

We have exciting new developments in Member Benefits that can benefit you and your family. Prepare for your future with the new exclusively endorsed 403(b) plan, the CTA Retirement Savings Plan. Take advantage of discounts with the addition of the Access to Savings Program. Reduce your debt with additional Federal Student Loan Forgiveness resources. And, check out the new CTA Member Benefits video, which gives you a quick, six-minute overview of the CTA Member Benefits program.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 

A comprehensive study – the California Teachers Study – revealed that teachers have a higher-than-expected rate of breast cancer. Outreach during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month may help dispel some of the fears associated with the disease. From special merchandise to pink lapel pins, the campaign to raise awareness has grown dramatically since it was first established in 1985. While we can’t prevent cancer, we can take steps to lower the risk, including regular self-breast exams, mammograms for women starting at age 40 to 50 (depending on risk, such as family history), avoiding smoking, eating a healthy diet, and exercising.

YES on Prop. 55 – in under 40 days – from VTA-PAC

The countdown has begun! We have just under 40 days before the General Election, when we go to the polls with the opportunity to pass Proposition 55. Saying YES to Prop. 55 will maintain the tax rate on the wealthiest Californians and prevent public schools from enduring billions of dollars in funding cuts. Of the many press items on the virtues of Prop. 55 – and what could await California should it not pass – we’ve selected these five pieces from Capital & Main for your perusal:

It can’t be stressed strongly enough: We must pass Prop. 55 to avoid going back to the days of massive teacher layoffs, overcrowded classrooms, slashed art and music classes, and tuition hikes for our community college students. 

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