Category: Uncategorized

School Board mixer is coming up tomorrow!

Would you like to meet some members school board trustees David McCallum, Sherie Mahlberg, Michael Kitzes and/or Teri Nutt tomorrow?  Stop by Blondies Bar and Grill at 555 Main Street (the old Creekside Cafe) to share what’s on your mind. The meeting will follow our rep council, so, building reps, just hang around! 

Prop 30 Update

  On Wednesday, 11/28/12, the VTA bargaining team met with the District to verify the funding levels for our district with the passage of Prop 30.  We were able to agree that our funding level is $5228.06 per ADA, which places us on the 3.5% column of our contingency chart instead of the 6.5% column. …

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