This year’s theme is based on CTA’s Advocacy Agenda. As educators, teachers are deeply committed to the success of every student. Students are the center of everything they do, which is why they advocate for the opportunities and resources students need to succeed.
In addition, a teacher’s role in school improvement is changing. Educator-driven school improvement works because what teachers do is an art as much as it is a science, and it is a lot more than a test score. The best teachers understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses, and adapt their practices to both.
Real education improvement capitalizes on the fantastic pool of talent California has in classrooms today, and the diverse approaches we offer our students. That’s one reason why this year’s theme is “California Teachers: Advocates for the Public Education ALL Students Deserve.”
California’s Day of the Teacher has its roots in the community and is patterned after the celebration of the traditional “El Dia del Maestro,” which is observed in Mexico and Latin America countries. Our California’s Day of the Teacher arose out of legislation co-sponsored by CTA and the Association of Mexican American Educators in 1982. Since then, this event honors the instructional excellences in our public schools, community colleges and universities.
California communities share our goals for quality public schools and recognize public education is the cornerstone for strong communities. Students are at the center of everything we do and as committed, caring education professionals, we look forward to building relationships with parents, community organizations, local businesses, other unions, the faith community and senior citizens. We are all part of a community and we will best succeed when we work together.