Congratulations to Ellen DiMichele, the winner of a flat screen TV!

Congratulations to VTA member, Ellen DiMichele!  She won a lovely flat-screen TV for taking a moment to fill out her CTA campagin 2014 pledge card.

Campaign 2014 is a very important one for educators because CTA’s recommended candidate for the Superintendent of Public Education is Tom Torlakson.  Tom is running against Marshall Tuck, a non-educator who is supported by billionaires because of his support for the corporate takeover of public schools, scapegoating of educators, and Arne Duncan’s high-stakes testing agenda.

If you’d like to participate in this raffle, which will award another TV every Friday between now and election day, and you’ve not filled out a pledge card, download this:

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And give it to your site director.  A full list of your site directors can be found here:

Good luck, brothers and sisters!

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